Corina Kirwin

I have been a member of InShape since high school. I played sports my entire life and ran my first half marathon just last year, which lead to a serious knee injury. Once the gym reopened, and recovery and home workouts, I was hesitant to return. However, with Jen as my trainer, we’ve transformed my body so quickly within the past couple of months.

Before I began training with Jen, I was a chronic runner and low-carb dieter. I was burnt out, frustrated and wasn’t seeing the results I so desperately wanted. Jen has pushed me out of my comfort zone. She has gotten me to temporarily trade in my running shoes for strength training; to not only reshape my body but most importantly, reshape my mindset. This change wasn’t easy for me. I felt vulnerable about giving up cardio and completely changing my diet. In turn, Jen’s patience, understanding, and years of experience, has helped me develop such a healthier perspective on fueling, nourishing, and moving my body. Her profound dedication towards my goals has left me in awe.

As a full-time nurse in grad school, my daily work outs with Jen and the SGT training crew have been an invaluable outlet during this pandemic. Working with Jen every week has been such a gift for me, and more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. I am so grateful for her and for every trainer at InShape who have collaboratively supported and motivated me throughout this empowering fitness journey.